3 Top Tips For getting into Kitesurfing

With the weather getting warmer day by day, it’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to spend the spring and summer months. Getting out and about as much as you can never hurt – so why don’t you think about trying something new and booking kitesurfing packages for you and your family?

Here are a few handy hints to help you get to grips with it … but remember: never try out kitesurfing until you’ve taken a two-day course in the sport so you know how to have fun safely and responsibly.

Practice on the beach

Use a training kite on the beach. This will teach you all about how to steer the kite and give you a chance to really get a feel for it. It’s all about building up your confidence!

Learn about the wind window

This is the area of the sky where the kite can fly and it’s vital you understand it if you want to be good at kiteboarding. Depending of where in the window you fly the kite different amounts of power will be produced. The edge of the window is where the kite will have the least amount of power, while the most power is generated dead down wind.

Work on your posture

Lean back against the kite to counteract the pull. Your body should be in a straight line to reduce stress on your back

Now go and check out this video of what you could be doing in a couple of days.

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