What wing size should I be going for? | Poole Harbour Watersports

India Hudson

When wing foiling, no matter whether starting out or an intermediate, having the right wing size for you and your conditions is vital for a good session and progression in the long run!

Going out with a wing that is too big/small for your conditions can ruin a potentially great fun session, so take a quick read of our recommendations for wind: wing sizing.


Wing Foil wings size guide - Poole Harbour Watersports


There are 3 main aspects to determine what wing size you should go for:

  • Your Skill Level
  • Wind strength
  • Your Size (weight)


Skill Level

As you can guess, wind strength is important to determine, but your skill level also establishes what wind you are likely to be going out in!

Most beginners will be going out in lighter winds from 14-20 knots, but as you become more competent and comfortable on your gear you will likely be wanting to go out in stronger gusts such as 18-26 knots.

Wing foil beginner size - Poole harbour Watersports
Wing foil sizing - Poole Harbour Watersports


Experts and those with a lot of experience, will then also want to challenge themselves by going out in the lightest of winds such as 0-12knots, or the strongest and on waves in 25-30 and 30+ knots, to which certain wing sizes are more suitable.

RRD Wing foiling waves size - Poole Harbour Watersports


Wind strength

Determining your wing size is then based off the strength of wind that the wing is suitable for and designed for.

Take a look at this table below for sizes based off wind, and you can determine what sort of wind is suitable for you 😊

Wind Knots

Wing Size m2









Your Size

The last thing to take into consideration on your wing size choice is your size itself, as if you are lighter in weight then you will need a smaller wing size to get you going and vice versa for if you are heavier! Also, being tall will mean you can handle the size of the larger wings too.

This is our most comprehensive table on which wing size is right for you.


Rider Weight 40-60kg 60-85kg 85-100+kg 
30-40+ knots 3.5  3.5 3.5-4.0
25-35 knots 3.5  3.5-4.0 4.0-4.5
20-30 knots 3.5-4.0  3.5-4.5 4.5-5.0
16-25 knots 4.0-4.5  4.0-5.0 4.5-5.5
12-20 knots 4.5-5.0  4.5-5.5 5.5-6.0
8-15 knots 5.0-5.5  5.0-6.0 6.5


You may find for you this varies, but it is just a guideline to help determine, and each brand can separate their sizes into different sizing too such as (4.3, 4.7, 5.0…)

As you progress more with your wing foiling, you will find that one wing is not enough! As with most other wind sports, it is then necessary to get a quiver of wings for all the different conditions you like to go out in!


Duotone Wing foil wing sizes guide - Poole Harbour Watersports


Take a look at our wing foil collection here.

Or if you are after a whole package, check out our bundle packages here.


Any other wing foil questions, just drop us a message on live chat or our email: info@pooleharbour.co.uk or call us on 01202 700503 😊


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